The increase doesn't go far enough. They raised fees for part B. Then they have cut some of the food stamps . Advantage plans have decreased some payments. In my case, I'm living in the poverty level but am getting too much to qualify for food stamps. Sad state of affairs.
No matter what we get in COLA, they increase our part B and it kills our income. With social security being my only income, I'm living below the poverty level and can't get food stamps. Something needs to change.
I know what she's going through. I'm living totally on my social security check on less than$1300 a month
I'm living below the poverty level and can't get food stamps because I have too much income. Two weeks after I get my check, I've paid my bills and have less than $200 for the rest of the...
I'm in concerned about the cost of living for seniors who are living on social security. I bring in about $1300 a month which is below the poverty level. I can't get food stamps because I make too much money . Something is wrong about this.