The year was was 1978. I was 15 years old. The lady I baby say for sold me her 1969 Chevy Malibu for $500 that I paid $75 a month. I wasn't even old enough to drive it on the streets. So I drove it in the mobile home park where I lived because that was private property. Imagine what a 9 year...
Greetings and Salutations
My name is Madi. I recently turned 62 and I'm a self proclaimed crazy cat lady 🐈 and a die hard Fanilow aka Barry Manilow fan. 😁❤️😁
I would like a lifetime supply of free 1st Class travel tickets for two.
Just imagine having the whole world at one's disposal whether by air, sea, train, etc. Want to see the Grand kids? Book your flight.