You know what is wrong with all of this -- the government took our money interest-free. We were forced to pay into the system. Now the government tells us when we can receive SS, how much we can receive, and if we and when we can receive any type of raise. Folks, this is our money that they...
Joan Baez march on Washington
My husband was drafted during Vietnam. I have many memories of that time with regard to this woman and others like her. Whenever I took my husband to the airport or bus station, there were people there protesting the Vietnam war. They would yell and scream at...
You Can't Always Get What You Want. Start Me Up. There are so many I like that it really is hard to say which is my favorite. I have always like them, but I like them even more now. It's amazing how long they have been playing their music. Great bunch of lads.
In other words, this is the old-fashioned flu that has been around since I can remember when. We always get a flu that hits hard right after the big holiday season where people have been out in crowds, activities and family gatherings. Once COVID-19 became the big thing by BigPharma, the...
Once again, the USPS is enriching itself at the cost of each and every American. They are constantly raising prices and then getting government bail outs. When is it going to stop. The service is so poor that we hardly use USPS. Then, with this big raise in areas it will be even harder for...
My mother used to make German chocolate cake often, but since she has passed away I don't have that recipe. Does anyone have a German chocolate cake recipe you would not mind sharing? Thank you so much!
Hi everyone!
Hello everyone! I'm a new member here. I retired a year ago last June and am enjoying my retirement very much. Great to have a place to share thoughts and ideas.