Lots and lots of fun/crazy stories. But one of the oddest was when the car was under a year old. It had a manual shift on the column (I couldn't afford the convertible AND automatic shift so of course the convertible won). As I was waiting on a hill for a light to turn green I heard a clanking sound and the car wouldn't start up in first gear. Luckily my boyfriend was working at a garage nearby so I left the car there and walked over to tell him. He discovered that the gear shift mechanism had fallen out. He gathered all the parts in a coffee can and told me to return them to the dealer the next day. Luckily I had second gear so I drove home all the way in second. Also lucky that Long Island NY was still fairly rural at that time, so the car and I made it home in one piece. I wouldn't want to try that today!That’s awesome! Do you have any fun or crazy stories from cruising around in that car? I bet there are some good memories attached to it! If it's okay with you, we'd love to feature this in the newsletter!
Wow, what a wild story! I don't know much about cars, but that sounds like one crazy ride—it must have been nerve-wracking. I'm glad your boyfriend was there to help when the gear shift mechanism fell out. It's hard to imagine something like that happening, but at least you got a memorable story out of it! Thanks for sharing such a fun (and slightly crazy) memory!Lots and lots of fun/crazy stories. But one of the oddest was when the car was under a year old. It had a manual shift on the column (I couldn't afford the convertible AND automatic shift so of course the convertible won). As I was waiting on a hill for a light to turn green I heard a clanking sound and the car wouldn't start up in first gear. Luckily my boyfriend was working at a garage nearby so I left the car there and walked over to tell him. He discovered that the gear shift mechanism had fallen out. He gathered all the parts in a coffee can and told me to return them to the dealer the next day. Luckily I had second gear so I drove home all the way in second. Also lucky that Long Island NY was still fairly rural at that time, so the car and I made it home in one piece. I wouldn't want to try that today!
YesWow, what a wild story! I don't know much about cars, but that sounds like one crazy ride—it must have been nerve-wracking. I'm glad your boyfriend was there to help when the gear shift mechanism fell out. It's hard to imagine something like that happening, but at least you got a memorable story out of it! Thanks for sharing such a fun (and slightly crazy) memory!
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