Grayvine Forum Staffer
Recently rcvd your email regarding my posted reply from someone commenting on USPS and our current President and administration. My apologies for using "profanity",' Did not realize bullshit was on that list. Yes political discussions can be passionate but when you have people posting their opinions based on lies rather than facts, it does warrant some response. In regards to positive posts the person I replied to was demeaning and lying about our President. Doesn't sound positive to me. And you'll forgive my passion for attempting to debate an important topic regarding govt waste, fraud and abuse. Having worked as a police officer in a big city, then getting laid off to go work for small, medium and corporate companies, ran two successful companies and worked 20+ years in emergency mgmt/homeland security, I feel compelled to offer experienced insight into both the worlds of govt and private sector. The trillion dollar debt is out of control. There is a serious lack of auditing and accountability. Congress has been unable to produce a balanced budget. Government transparency has proven to be a sad and empty promise as the curtain is pulled back in where our tax dollars are going. This is reality and should concern EVERYONE. Now I am positive that much of these issues can be addressed by the new administration. More importantly, it warrants intelligent, logical discussion regarding this and the impact not just to seniors but to their families as well. I am hopeful you provided your input to the person I was replying to in regards to degrading and negative comments regarding our President. Thanks for the opportunity to respond.