Hi. DeskSet…Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, funny movie one of their best.
Bringing up Baby, Hepburn and Gary Grant…another good one.
I’m into oldies for the most part…Enjoy
How about Bell Book and Candle….Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak, Jack Lemon…very funny light hearted..
The Great Race, Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk…another funny light hearted movie…
Got more…but these are a good start. Enjoy.
Stormy suggestions, my Italian mother in law who I adored had a list she would follow, I have followed most of them for years.
If you're outdoors:
Seek shelter immediately. If you can't find a sturdy building, get under a large tree or a natural depression in the ground. Avoid isolated...
My traditional routine is I do some Tai Chi, stretching, and then have a light breakfast. Coffee and cereal or toast, with a nice spread ( peanut butter, or a jam). If the weather is cooperative I go out on my deck.
just trying to enjoy retirement. Have a great day all.
Hi my “yeet“ or excitement has been watching my oldest granddaughter (17) starting to drive…she has always been very independent, now that she can drive, I get to see her more often and enjoy all the aspects of her daily adventures.
Favorite Movies
Movies, I’m a TCM guy…my fav. Just to name a few. Bell, Book, and Candle….Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak, also the Glen Miller Story, and FBI story. with Jimmy Stewart…Great movies