Fill in the Blank 03.02.2025
Hey there, Blank Busters!

"If wishes were _____, beggars would ride."
The answer is... horses!
How did you do on our very first one? These Blank Busters did exceptionally well! Member 2GRANDKIDS, MaryE, jkrende, smast409, Mish312, Flhusker, Gigi73094, ginilynn32252, tennis, Sydney, jamned74, SueBirch66, Pattij50, sandiskinn825, Johawk1954, Jackiem, mimmielouallen, Cholm, Barbara Lubrani, Shorty52, babyrangler, Debbie1954, lavender3, PattiNJ2FL!, Ladybug83&, Flanny, CherylSingh, grayhair76, Marilea, gingerjer, Bunella, Vickos, techgrandma, Gayle B., katydid, mdurling53, MsRusty, Choppy75, lynfarley49, Mary 37, bjdrennen, bigmisfit, debbiemoseley, nolanpat, Speedy, Tarheelady, Lynn1957, stalno, LynMarshall, maryloubaumann, garys67, Greatgam01, grannytiger, valyowell, srpace. Well done on your first one!