Hello fellow Boomers! I’ll share my poem as introduction.
My nom de plume: Luna
I'm a hippie, I'm a boomer,
I'm a child of the 60s,
An aging flower child.
I believe in love, peace, and harmony,
And I dream of a world that's free from calamity.
My hair may be gray, but my heart is still young,
And my spirit soars when I hear my growing up songs.
I'm a product of an era that brought about change,
A time of social upheaval, where ideals were exchanged.
We protested war, and fought for civil rights,
We challenged authority and stood up for what's right.
And though the times have changed, and the world has moved on,
I still hold onto those values, and I still hear those songs.
So call me a hippy, call me a boomer, call me what you will,
I'll keep on spreading love, and I'll keep on climbing that hill.

Luna (c)