I have had over 70 doctor-hospital visits within eight years and have only been treated for infections. I feel I'm being treated more as a commodity rather than being treated as a patient. Things I learned along the way. My medical records are in disarray; they are sporadic. There are no timeline listings of the doctor-hospital visit, services provided, treatments, test results, medications, or the amounts. There are no timeline listings of MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, or the quantities and doses of radiation I have been exposed to or accumulated over my lifetime. By not having the vital timeline information to review, I question how a doctor can make medical decisions or recommendations to the patient, it puts the patient's health in jeopardy. As a result, I'm suffering side effects. From my experience, healthcare providers do not have a protocol in place to help protect the patient.
I expect a doctor I am referred to review my medical records, be aware of what my health issues are, and know what my insurance covers BEFORE the appointment. A few times I was told I needed to make another appointment because they didn't have all the information. That resulted in my insurance company and I getting billed for an office visit. I'm not going to let that happen again