Joan Baez march on Washington
My husband was drafted during Vietnam. I have many memories of that time with regard to this woman and others like her. Whenever I took my husband to the airport or bus station, there were people there protesting the Vietnam war. They would yell and scream at the soldiers calling them baby killers and throwing rotten eggs and tomatoes at them. I have absolutely no fondness for the protesters. They had no clue about what was happening to the average people. My husband was drafted which meant his birthdate was selected to have to go to the military. He had no choice. His number was selected, and he had to report to the local draft board. My husband had to leave me, his family, his home. We all suffered for over 2 years. Yet, these people who stood at the airports, bus and train stations and had their marches and yes even Woodstock -- did not have to deal with what we dealt with. Being drafted meant you had to leave your home and report for active duty in the military. The memories of that time are very vivid because we lived them and we were there.