Riddle Masters 01.21.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

Take me out of a window, and I leave a grieving wife. But stick me in a door, and I can save someone’s life. What am I?
The correct answer is the letter "n"! (Window without an "n" is "widow"; Door with an "n" is "donor".) Tricky, right?
Here's a shout-out to our Riddle Masters who answered correctly: Members highflyerswa, LindaB, lynsky75, Barbara Lubrani, tiakaren59, Becks, jcstoudt, BarbieJoy, dhartwig, Victor, Jjohnson2860, beckmeister, Birdlady05, dbayless, Duke222, fhunt, pamfrost1965, Veggirl75, Ali Rae, maggie32433, Josephine T, Craig, Robehouse, floy56, techgrandma, twonewknees, Erika T., Nubble363! Well done!