Riddle Masters 01.30.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

There's a boat full of people, yet not a single person on the boat. How is that?
The answer is... they are all married!
A huge shout-out to our Riddle Masters, Members Blvilinsky, LisaS, arlette, kathi1961, rogerk1123, Carol *, Gert, Ali Rae, Mamamerlee, Carrie, Mish312, jqn, Susie881, Pattij50, pamfrost1965, Bonita, LindaB, Jodee23, Birdlady05, highflyerswa, PJR@daddo88, Victor, SkyeGirl, dimondnrgh, twonewknees, tiakaren59, leelee810, Bethkarriker1, maxinesprague, slpyle53, beckmeister, Erika T., Gene, CindySiv, jwg, Speckii56, GramD, gingerjer, stalno, fhunt, Emmie Sue, Mel D, JeanR, Jjohnson2860, techgrandma, LMT, shernin, Kayjaykelley1, janvicran, sandralb, Barbara Lubrani, Berta5130, Gayle B., Paula0524, cathyhein, Shawncey2, Patty, dhalf, Parisue. Nicely done!