Riddle Masters 02.03.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

I hold secrets but cannot speak. Record truths I never seek. You pour your heart into my keep, and yet I am silent and deep. What am I?
The answer? It's a diary! Did you get the correct answer?
Hats off to our clever Riddle Masters, Members MamaLissa66, smile1961, Anna, margep51, beckmeister, lindaswilliams55, mama_mia54, lynsky75, annaxer@, Jjohnson2860, Grayman, Kelly, mark.shipp, Dandylion, tiakaren59, pamfrost1965, vickih5000, ghandi44, Mrs. D, Kayjaykelley1, CLP, ta4593223, Vickos, Victor, Speckii56, AuntGranny, nitram, LindaB, Emmie Sue, Pattij50, twonewknees, Mariajoiner, Catx, jabruns, Berta5130, CarolNorris, Derkatz57, Helene, techgrandma, TinaD117, Littlebit, & jamoore6! Congratulations, and well done!