Riddle Masters 02.05.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

I have 6 faces, but I don't wear makeup. I have 21 eyes, but I can't see. What am I?
The answer is... a dice! Did you get the correct answer?
Congratulations to our brilliant Riddle Masters, Members Athena, CarolynP777, Pattij50, Sheri5674, Mamamerlee, Birdlady05, DBALL, slpyle53, Bonita, Victor, jcstoudt, nanihoit, jilldt, DaveB48, pamfrost1965, Barbara Lubrani, Ali Rae, mark.shipp, BionicGoddess, Gnanna50, Berta5130, katydid, ghandi44, sincitylass, twonewknees, truck1331, BarbieJoy, GJo, TimCat12, dimondnrgh, Jjohnson2860, GrandpaGrumpy, beckmeister, Vickos, Starmaid2, nitram, Bergsbunch, Lecee, Gleppert82, maxinesprague, Michelle McDermott, tqcathy, techgrandma, Mariajoiner, jackie15747, Volsfan1998, cathyhein, fms, Gayle B., pacharlieb, & whitedove158. Well done!