Riddle Masters 02.06.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then, you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it?
The answer is... a corn on a cob/ear of corn! Did you get the correct answer?
Shout-our to our Riddle Masters who got it correct: Members PMPRO, Pattij50, lynsky75, pamfrost1965, Victor, ladypamela13, beckmeister, pasexton, Securidog, Emmie Sue, Shawncey2, Birdlady05, hometeacher918, Josephine T, GrandpaGrumpy, Michelle McDermott, maxinesprague, DaveB48, Jjohnson2860, LindaT9748, Ali Rae, dimondnrgh, LindaB, Nitadianne, sincitylass, GJo, Mary 37, nitram, katydid, techgrandma, fhunt, Erika T., Kelly, LandG, Cathy V, TinaM1966, QT314s4mrMom, vicky42000, Vickos, Brady13, cathyhein, Sisa Martin, Dewey. Congratulations, and see you on the next one!