Riddle Masters 02.13.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

There is a word in the English language in which the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four signify a great man, and the whole word, a great woman. What is the word?
The answer? It's heroine!
A round of applause for our brilliant Riddle Masters: Members rust1, birtnett, carolann57, Barbara Lubrani, lynsky75, Speckii56, lisal540, mesybarite, PattiNJ2FL!, Emmie Sue, Luckybandit, 2GRANDKIDS, jeff2067, jcstoudt, LindaB, evemoon1121, mark.shipp, Pattij50, DaveB48, techgrandma, flutiel, dimondnrgh, jomo70, Josephine T, Susan1258, kathipink, Kjoyinri, GrandpaGrumpy, garys67, JPalubin, MimawMck, HGRNCNTRY, alverniadraper, Jjohnson2860, DBALL, nortomb, beckmeister, Kelly, deberie, Christy, jimg5922, Mary 37, sincitylass, JuliaRN, maxinesprague, Erika T., Rsmorrison1217, IAmBrianBoru, Musicmann, pamfrost1965, Birdlady05, tqcathy, Essmee3, Tarheelady, Vickos, rhstetak, robertjwwu, Gayle B., & pjyoung. Amazing work!