Riddle Masters 02.18.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

A bus driver goes the wrong way down a one-way street. He passes the cops, but they don’t stop him. Why?
The answer? It’s because he’s walking!
How did you do? Shout-out to our Riddle Masters who got it correct! Member jcstoudt, cgray481, birtnett, Barbara Lubrani, Pattycake, Swtpea@856, lynsky75, nortomb, Jjohnson2860, JWM, Clk, Bonita, LMT, GrandpaGrumpy, Birdlady05, Nancysfarm, mark.shipp, ta4593223, lavender3, twofortwo, Berta5130, LindaB, trekwarrior, Victor, Vickos, Emmie Sue, SandyT, gingerjer, rwatman, Pattij50, dimondnrgh, beckmeister, KellyLoe, Ali Rae, Gayle B., Curly gray, maxinesprague, weberdns, Gnanna50, tqcathy, JCMom, pamfrost1965, Alberta, Lil_4!, cathyhein, annaxer@, Dewey. Well played! See you on the next one!
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