Riddle Masters 03.06.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

How many times can you subtract 5 from 25?
The answer? Just once! After that, you'd be subtracting 5 from 20, 15, 10, etc.
Shout-out to our brilliant Riddle Masters who saw through the trick: Members NERAKRETROP, kyahrose, dweir5002, AnneM, Mariajoiner, Johnsonr, Old, rwcohen, LindaB, thetrez, BobDacey, Barbara Lubrani, Anna, elza, lunalight, Shawncey2, Emmie Sue, Hello Kitty, Josephine T, Pattij50, mark.shipp, Annenp, sincitylass, Kimmiecurl, sudy, GmaMargaretG, UBob66, Nita614, Avalonmist, ame@carolina, Honeybuns, JanM1964, Purplldy, tiakaren59, gwenwink01, jungy, gray@30, jonconw, Lynn1957, buff, tms1953, Wellman, Billie53, lillie, westisbest61, lavender3, rdenomie, Berta5130, Les C, JaaBee, Mary 37, Helene, Birdlady05, Petey, gingerjer, Jorgi Girl, annbham, violetmoon, tqcathy, SueBirch66, techgrandma, ghandi44, Lottie Dog, Volsfan1998, TheBat823, Eileen, stalno, Katharynne, Levamssg, Vickos, DaveB48, Patty, Gibb, Kayjaykelley1. Congratulations!