Riddle Masters 03.13.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

In a land of people who either only tell lies or only tell the truth, you meet Jane and John. John says, "We're both total liars!" Who is the real liar?
The answer? It's John! Why? Because "We're both total liars" cannot be true because it would mean a liar is telling the truth. If it cannot be true, John must be a liar, but in order for it to be a lie, Jane must be a truth-teller.
Congratulations to our Riddle Masters, Members kyahrose, cymru41, Susan1258, Birdlady05, gingerjer, Marilea, Pattij50, Lynn1957, nitram, GrandpaGrumpy, CindyP, MaryM, beckmeister, Randyruiz, kimbni, dhalf, judybg, Hello Kitty, Gayle B., lynsky75, h_gro, pamfrost1965, & Vickos! You're all so clever!

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