Riddle Masters 03.20.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

If you drop me, I'm sure to crack. Give me a smile, and I'll always smile back. What am I?
The answer? A mirror!
Congratulations to our Riddle Masters, Members FLKDW, Artful Thea, oldwhiteguy, NinaLily1353, kyahrose, trbtm2, buff, teresasanders78, Watson, Kitkin, LindaB, cgrigdesby, smast409, asands7245, Pattycake, bneefus, technophobe, Moochieluv, Honeybuns, 8grandma+4, LDink65, wrsjpmeme, NanaB, penquey, LindaG, PhilBurns, lavender3, auj327, Eddie, AnnaLysa, Twgsfsa, Hockey4Gary, LMT, Butcher latreese, Petey, Mary 37, floral, R M Shapiro, jungy, Bjp, whoward, Gmercer227, Bobbi514, nbotts4, flutiel, pannme, NIBOR0, beverlybaartman, nitram, Pattij50, GrandpaGrumpy, beckmeister, pacharlieb, Cathyt56, gfbruner, Dolores G, trekwarrior, Wellman, Peb1976, Josephine T, Marilea, DonnaS, LaurieJoy, Mrs. D, trichert03, lojo62849, Ksm, AngelBunny