Riddle Masters 09/30/24
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

I have hands yet no arms. I spin endlessly for days upon end. Yet only observed when measured. What am I?
And the answer? It's a clock!
Congratulations Riddle Masters: Members hometeacher918, Czech7985, Michael L., tiakaren59, Swamp, jwg, tenahazlett, angelmimi, Gingerdlua, Lenora1952, Josephine T, catwrangler, ccolpitts05, Cat lady, lynsky75, Susan1258, Momkipp, debbiemoseley, gms06841, Florence, Vickos, pirateat75, dimondnrgh, Pattij50, pogostick20, Rachaelt01, Erika T., rosner39, rhondmccln, Kelly, Rawkin63, psychonurse, pamfrost1965, Catx, Librarykat, lula, Gayle B., & Derkatz57 and well done—you're all very impressive!