Marie S.
Riddle Masters 10/04/24
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

What has four wheels and flies?
And the correct answer is... a garbage truck!
Congratulations to our clever Riddle Masters: Members AuntGranny, Janmidd, psychonurse, jwg, Vickos, Pattij50, DBALL, oldgeezer, sudy, twonewknees, PatD, Kelly, Josephine T, tiakaren59, Erika T., lynsky75, LindaB, Becks, Memaw63, Librarykat, Mariajoiner, GaryBlake, dimondnrgh, wjwalsh, rhondmccln, Denise, Retired teacher GA, hometeacher918, bdebonte, Berta5130, Gayle B., Florence, KellyColeman, Seniorgal, SandiWU! Well done everyone!