Riddle Masters 10/18/2024
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

If you are running a race and pass the person in second, then what place are you in?
The answer? It's second place!
Congratulations to our clever Riddle Masters who got this one correct: Members sudy, gms06841, lynsky75, gettingolderdaily, Amma251320, wjwalsh, svno1stat, jerry, Gingerdlua, Ali Rae, Josephine T, nitram, Becks, Mary 37, ccornett93, Florence, Barbara Lubrani, Vickos, Czech7985, LindaB, Mariajoiner, jwg, Lenora1952, maxinesprague, Retired teacher GA, tiakaren59, englishalien2, blueeyes827, mlong63, bneefus, rhondmccln, misspiggypot, Emmie Sue, Pattij74, GaryBlake, ghandi44, Erika T., noraschaefer, Gayle B., joanneschnell, debsrn, kathy, pjyoung, Kelly, SandiWU, judyj, Seniorgal & KellyColeman! You're all so brilliant!

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