Riddle Masters 10/25/24
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

I have cities but no houses. I have mountains but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
The answer? A map! We also accepted a couple of clever answers!
Congratulations to our brilliant Riddle Masters: Members TERRYK, hometeacher918, Barbara Lubrani, sudy, maxinesprague, Gayle B., tiakaren59, Vernongirl1, Margaret, LindaB, Kelly, pamfrost1965, lynsky75, mark.shipp, Pattij74, ccolpitts05, Josephine T, Mary 37, Mariajoiner, Jan76, Becks, Paty777777, pjh, JanS, wjwalsh, violetmoon, GrannyBarb, Gene, todd1602, wb3efa, AuntGranny, rhondmccln, KellyColeman, johndm2, Helene, Ardell B., & Leisa W., and well done! You are all so amazing!