Riddle Masters 11/06/24
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

What gets smaller every time it takes a bath?
The answer? It's soap!
Congratulations to our clever Riddle Masters, Members arbed, Llayala, Lee, Elaine, LindaB, Ali Rae, Greatgam01, Czech7985, grannytiger, Bobg, Sue, Kayjaykelley1, bneefus, sincitylass, maxinesprague, Sue0812, Mary 37, Kelly, Anna, GinnyP, lynsky75, Seniorgal, Pattij50, ccornett93, Memaw63, Reggie, carolann57, dimondnrgh, Birdlady05, Gayle B., JanS, mark.shipp, Erika T., beverlybaartman, Mariajoiner, SandiWU, Carol, Vickos, GaryBlake, ccolpitts05, Battsjab961, tiakaren59, Barbara Lubrani, JD6612, rhondmccln, debbiemoseley, Janice, Psmithflowers, Dottie, topvat, TinaM1966, Gene, Josephine T, Helene, & Dewey! You're all so brilliant; well done!