Riddle Masters 11/27/24
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

They come out at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?
The answer? Stars!
Congratulations to our clever Riddle Masters: Members wb3efa, GinnyP, dbcroff695, ghandi44, cpmcpa84, Becks, JJH-KCMO, Lindylu, Mary, psychonurse, violetmoon, DaveMacSmyrna, mark.shipp, janemcglumphry, GaryBlake, carey516, Birdlady05, Vickos, gms06841, Pattij50, maxinesprague, bneefus, Myra, sudy, GrannyBarb, Grgry62, sincitylass, LindaB, Vernongirl1, dimondnrgh, Josephine T, Mary 37, Rose Lea, tiakaren59, beverlybaartman, pirateat75, Mariajoiner, AuntGranny, Swansong 47, JanS, lynsky75, englishalien2, JD6612, Lenora1952, Helene, twonewknees, brookvillelane, Catwoman, Rubymarie, Littlebit, pamfrost1965, techgrandma, & valyowell! You're all so brilliant; well done!
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