Question 1: When is cotton typically harvested?
Question 2: Which mathematical term refers to a positive or negative whole number, or zero?
An integer is a number that can be written without a fractional or decimal component. It includes the counting numbers, zero, and the negative of the counting numbers.
Question 3: In which sport would you find terms like "Double Fault" and "Grand Slam"?
"Double Fault" and "Grand Slam" are terms used in the sport of Tennis. A "Double Fault" is a player's failure at both his/her first and second attempt to serve the ball, while "Grand Slam" refers to winning the four major world tournaments in the same calendar year.
Question 4: Why is Leonardo DiCaprio named Leonardo?
Leonardo DiCaprio's mother was reportedly looking at a painting by Leonardo da Vinci in a museum in Italy when she first felt him kick, hence why she decided to name him Leonardo.
Question 5: If someone sells shares in a company, and therefore, the company's stock price decreases, this is known as what?
A "Bear market" is a condition in which securities prices fall and widespread pessimism causes the stock market's downward spiral to be self-sustaining. This occurs when investors anticipate losses in a market and thus, selling increases, which further depresses the market.
Question 6: When was the Internet first invented?
The Internet was first invented in 1969 during a project financed by the US Department of Defense. The initial network, known as ARPA Net, was used to connect four university computers for quicker communication and data sharing.
Question 7: What is the name of the famous sculpture of a thinker created by Auguste Rodin?
The Thinker is one of Auguste Rodin's most famous works. It was originally created as part of a larger piece, The Gates of Hell, and has since become an independent and iconic symbol of philosophical pondering.
Question 8: What is the typical resting heart rate for an adult?
A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness.
Question 9: When was the first Superman comic released?
The first Superman comic was released by Action Comics (later to become part of DC Comics) in June 1938. Superman is considered the first superhero, marking the beginning of the superhero genre.
Question 10: When was the World Cup of Soccer first held?
The inaugural World Cup tournament was hosted by Uruguay in 1930. It was held from July 13 to July 30, and Uruguay emerged as the first ever World Cup champions.
Cotton plants require a long frost-free period for optimum growth, hence they are typically planted in the spring and harvested in the fall. Warm climate and rainfall are integral for its growth.