Question 1: How many sides does a decagon have?
Question 2: Which villain is arch-nemesis to the superhero, Superman?
Lex Luthor, a villainous businessman and inventor, is famously known as Superman's arch-nemesis in the DC universe. Lex's enmity for Superman varies from Lex's jealousy of Superman's popularity to Lex's desire to be the most powerful man in the world.
Question 3: Which property in mathematics states that changing the order of the addends does not change the sum?
The Commutative Property is fundamental in arithmetic operations. This property is applicable in addition and multiplication, which essentially means 'numbers can be moved around without affecting the result'.
Question 4: Who is known as the father of modern genetics?
Gregor Mendel, a 19th-century monk and botanist, conducted studies with pea plants and established many of the rules of heredity, which are now referred to as Mendelian inheritance.
Question 5: In the "Harry Potter" series, what is the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?
Hedwig is Harry Potter's pet Snowy Owl, who was given to Harry as an 11th birthday gift from Hagrid. Errol and Pigwidgeon are owls belonging to the Weasley family, and Crookshanks is Hermione Granger's cat.
Question 6: Who wrote the famous novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude"?
Gabriel García Márquez was a Colombian author and one of the most significant authors of the 20th century. He is considered one of the greatest writers in the Spanish language and was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Question 7: Which document often begins with the phrase "We the People"?
The United States Constitution begins with the phrase "We the People of the United States" indicating the democratic principle that government depends on the people for its legitimacy. It was signed on September 17, 1787.
Question 8: Why is Coco Chanel famous in the fashion world?
Coco Chanel, a prominent French fashion designer, revolutionized women's fashion in the 20th century. She is known for introducing a more comfortable, casual style to women's wear, including the iconic 'little black dress', which has become a staple in many women's wardrobes.
Question 9: In which language does "gracias" mean "thank you"?
"Gracias" is the way to say "thank you" in Spanish. This word is used very frequently in Spanish-speaking countries around the world.
Question 10: What galaxy is the Earth located in?
The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System. It's named "the Milky Way" because of its appearance as a dim glowing band arching across the night sky, the light from millions of distant stars combined.
A decagon is a type of polygon that has ten sides and ten angles. The term comes from the Greek words "deka", which means ten, and "gonia", which means corner or angle.