Question 1: What is the capital of Bhutan?
Question 2: Where in the cell does DNA replication occur?
DNA replication, the process by which a cell copies its DNA, takes place within the nucleus of the cell. It is an important process in cellular division.
Question 3: Why is it illegal to remove a tag from a mattress in the United States?
This law was originally introduced to prevent retailers from removing the tags that contain essential consumer information like the mattress contents and origin, potentially misleading the customer. However, once you've purchased the mattress and it's in your home, you're free to remove the tag.
Question 4: What is the architectural style of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris?
Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris is one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture, recognized by its high, intricate ceilings, large stained glass windows, and use of flying buttresses.
Question 5: In ancient Rome, what was an 'aqueduct' used for?
A Roman aqueduct was an artificial channel for conveying water, typically in the form of a bridge supported by tall columns across a valley. It was part of a sophisticated system to bring fresh water to cities and towns.
Question 6: Which of these religions originated in India?
Buddhism originated in India in the 5th to 4th century B.C. from the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who later came to be known as the "Buddha".
Question 7: How is the age of a fossil generally determined?
The age of a fossil is generally determined using radiometric dating, a method that measures the concentration of certain radioactive isotopes. This technique can accurately date rocks and fossils over billions of years old.
Question 8: Why is the Mona Lisa considered so valuable?
The Mona Lisa is considered very valuable not only because Leonardo da Vinci painted it, but because of its seminal influence on the art world. Its mysteriously engaging smile and the details of the portrait makes it a milestone work in the world of art.
Question 9: If you were to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, which country's culture would you be embracing?
Cinco de Mayo, or the Fifth of May, is a Mexican holiday that commemorates the Mexican army's victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War on May 5, 1862. It is often mistaken as Mexico's Independence Day, but that's actually on September 16.
Question 10: Where is the hottest place on Earth located?
Death Valley, located in California, USA, holds the record for the highest reliably reported air temperature in the world, 134 °F (56.7 °C) on July 10, 1913. Despite this, on average, Dasht-e Lut in Iran is the world's hottest place based on ground temperatures.
Thimphu is the capital and the largest city of Bhutan, a landlocked country nestled in the Eastern Himalayas. The city became the capital in 1961 and is notable for being one of the few world capitals without traffic lights.