The Teddy Bear
Ever wondered how the beloved Teddy Bear came to be? It all started with a surprising moment in history involving a famous president, a bear, and a big decision. Let’s just say, it wasn’t your typical hunting trip…
The Teddy Bear was created in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt after he famously refused to shoot a bear during a hunting trip in 1902. Roosevelt’s decision, deemed unsportsmanlike by his group, became a national story, which political cartoonist Clifford Berryman satirized. Inspired by this, Brooklyn shop owner Morris Michtom crafted a stuffed bear, calling it "Teddy's Bear" with Roosevelt's permission. The toy's popularity led Michtom to found the Ideal Toy Company, and the Teddy Bear became a beloved icon worldwide. What are some other fun facts you know? Let's hear them below or share them here!