For me the 70’s were the best era EVER! We were married in September 72. I had a fever of 103. I went through the motions but have very little memory of our day. It was a beautiful day with the weather cooperating. The wedding ceremony was amazing and perfect. The guests were very respectful and expressed nothing but love for us. The reception was fantastic as was our first dance as a newly married couple. The gifts were generous and necessary for our home and us to flourish.
My regret is by being so sick I missed out on much of the glory of our day. I would love to repeat it but that isn’t feasible.
That day was over 52 years ago! I wouldn’t change anything about the years we have shared. We go to sleep and wake up with kisses and hugs.
We were advised to both have a paycheck to lessen the financial burden of a new couple. We were advised to not have children too soon so we could appreciate each other first. And finally we were advised to keep our relationship to ourselves and not to complain to other family members. We would have to rely on each other to work things out. Terrific advice! We have no regrets. We are happy to be and live together. To repeat myself, I would love to have that opportunity to experience our day being healthy!
Sorry for the rant. I get excited about I speak about our marriage and our lives together!