That's iconic, @Oldone! I bet you learned a lot of people skills working the register. Did you ever spend half your paycheck before you even made it out the door?My first job was as a cashier at Macy's Dept store
That's iconic, @Oldone! I bet you learned a lot of people skills working the register. Did you ever spend half your paycheck before you even made it out the door?My first job was as a cashier at Macy's Dept store
Sounds like spring is waking up beautifully in Kentucky, @Gayle B.! Maybe you can take photos of the blooms and share them with us?It’s definitely getting warmer here in Kentucky! I’m all for it! Can’t wait to see blossoms on the trees and flowers starting to peak through the ground.
My very first job was babysitting. I was 14 and happy to be earning my own money. Along with that I pumped gas at my brother’s gas station. I had saved money at both jobs and could bye my own gas for the beater car I owned. Talk about freedom…
Thank you for sharing, @Alina! Did you get to befriend regular customers? And do you remember this as a fun experience for you?My first job was a cashier in a grocery store. It was part-time, after school. I was only 16 years old at the time and could only work 20 hrs a week then.
Sounds like a classic greasy spoon the kind of place where the memories stick with you along with the smell of fried food! Did those tips made the long days worth it? Thanks for sharing this fun story, @Eileen!I work at this little drive up food stand. Ordered at a window with a few tables for customers to sit inside. If they ate inside I got tips. Was what you called a greasy spoon. We had fried food and I went home each day smelling like grease. It was great!!
What a sweet memory, @Scotty Searan! That lady in the blue Volkswagen must have made quite an impression, seeing how you still remember her and her exact order after all these years! It’s funny how little things like that stick with us, isn’t it?I worked with my dad in the summertime. He was a house painter and he had a couple of men working with him. I was 12 years old.
Then when I was 16 I dropped out of school and worked as car hop.. I would work some days 16 hours a day. My wages was 50 cents an hour plus tips. Back then you thought a $1 tip was good. Though there was a particular lady that drove a blue Volkswagen bug. Everyday she ordered the same thing: A hotdog and a small coke. Back in 1968 that order was 40 cents including tax. She always gave me a dime for the tip. Even though I was a car hop I was shy. It was take the order and go on about my business. I have thought of the lady in the Blue Volkswagen and wandered what was her name.
I am doing this myself, @diannnoe! You can check out our Cooking & Recipes forum for healthy dishes. I wish you all the best in this journey!I am working on getting healthy.
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