Riddle Masters 02.19.2025
Hey there, Riddle Masters!

I’m orange, I wear a green hat, and I sound like a parrot. What am I?
The answer? It's a carrot!
Shout-out to our Riddle Masters who got it correct: Members Carol *, ccolpitts05, garys67, CarolynP777, Ernie, mark.shipp, lynsky75, Birdlady05, TEXASJAS55, Randyruiz, LindaB, Josephine T, dimondnrgh, DBALL, beckmeister, Jjohnson2860, lavender3, pjyoung, Ali Rae, maxinesprague, Pattij50, Mary 37, remerton, margieuherek@ yahoo.com, LandG, Alberta, sallyo, techgrandma, Rosita, kaylois40, Gayle B., GigiNC, & maryloubaumann! You're all so brilliant!