Question 1: What was the name of the Act implemented in the U.S. in 1933 that allowed alcohol to be produced and sold legally?
Question 2: Which company produced the world's first mass-produced automobile?
In 1908, the Ford Model T became the world's first mass-produced automobile, churning out more than 15 million Model T’s over a 20-year span.
Question 3: When was the sneaker brand Converse founded?
In 1908, Marquis Mills Converse founded his namesake company, the Converse Rubber Shoe Company, to make the iconic basketball shoes that have since become a wardrobe staple for many fashionable personalities.
Question 4: When was the first version of the English dictionary published?
The first version of the English dictionary was published in 1755 by lexicographer and poet Samuel Johnson and was titled A Dictionary of the English Language. It included approximately 42,773 words.
Question 5: What was the main type of fighting in the Vietnam War?
While all types of warfare were present in the Vietnam War, guerrilla warfare was the primary strategy of the North Vietnamese forces and the Viet Cong. This type of irregular warfare made it difficult for US and South Vietnamese forces to achieve a decisive victory.
Question 6: If a person said it's raining cats and dogs, what are they trying to convey?
The phrase "raining cats and dogs" is an English idiom used to describe heavy, torrential rain. Though its origins are unknown, it became popular in the 17th century.
Question 7: Who is the author of the fantasy series "A Song of Ice and Fire"?
"A Song of Ice and Fire" is a series of epic fantasy novels by the American novelist and screenwriter George R. R. Martin. The series inspired the HBO television series "Game of Thrones".
Question 8: Which company was established on April 1st, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne?
Apple Inc. was initially named Apple Computer, Inc. as the company's first product was the Apple I, a personal computer. Ronald Wayne sold his share of the company back to Jobs and Wozniak within 12 days of its inception.
Question 9: Who is known as the "Father of Genetics"?
Gregor Mendel, the monk who conducted breeding experiments with peas in the mid-1800s, is often called the "Father of Genetics". His experiments led to the understanding of how traits are passed from parents to offspring.
Question 10: How many times did Marilyn Monroe get married?
Marilyn Monroe was married three times: first to James Dougherty; then to Joe DiMaggio, the legendary baseball player; and finally to Arthur Miller, the famous playwright.
The Cullen-Harrison Act was enacted by Congress in 1933, and amended the Eighteenth Amendment, which marked the beginning of the end of Prohibition in the United States.